CFE Opinion Statement on TP
Opinion Statement FC 10/2023 on the EU Commission Transfer Pricing Proposal
CFE in its Opinion Statement recommends a number of factors to be taken into consideration by the European Commission. CFE supports simplification, but it is not in favour of parallel standards as proposed by the Transfer Pricing Directive. This directive makes legal relationships intra-EU versus non-EU more complicated. Furthermore, it would be extremely challenging to codify the ambulatory, dynamic and evolving OECD Guidelines in EU legislation that would need to be implemented in the different national legislations of the Member States. Therefore, CFE considers that the legal basis of the Transfer Pricing Directive is not in line with the EU law, is not in line with the subsidiarity principle, and is therefore disproportionate. CFE is of the view that the explanations and formulations given by the European Commission do not adequately satisfy the legal basis and do not demonstrate that the aims of the initiative cannot be sufficiently addressed by Member States themselves.